Parts of OSOYOO Mecanum Wheel Robot Car (Model#2019016600) for Arduino

Parts for Mecanum Wheel Arduino Robot Car Model#2019016600


OSOYOO WIFI Shield V1.3 ESP8266 Module for Arduino UNO

OSOYOO WIFI Shield V1.3 ESP8266 Module for Arduino UNO

定価 ¥2,100 JPY
販売価格 ¥2,100 JPY 定価
OSOYOO Model-X Motor Driver Module for OSOYOO V2.0 Robot Car(model#2017003700)

OSOYOO Model-X Motor Driver Module for OSOYOO V2.0 Robot Car(model#2017003700)

定価 ¥1,300 JPY
販売価格 ¥1,300 JPY 定価
OSOYOO 2pcs 2000mAh 18650 Rechargeable Li-on Battery+USB Power Charger Model# ZZ20190068

OSOYOO 2pcs 2000mAh 18650 Rechargeable Li-on Battery+USB Power Charger Model# ZZ20190068

定価 ¥1,700 JPY
販売価格 ¥1,700 JPY 定価 ¥4,900 JPY
5-Channel Tracking sensor for Osoyoo  Robot Cars (model#2019018300)

5-Channel Tracking sensor for Osoyoo Robot Cars (model#2019018300)

定価 ¥1,300 JPY
販売価格 ¥1,300 JPY 定価

2pcs 18650 battery for OSOYOO robot car(model#2019006800*2)

定価 ¥2,600 JPY
販売価格 ¥2,600 JPY 定価
Voltage meter for Arduino V2.0 Robot Car(model#2017005300)

Voltage meter for Arduino V2.0 Robot Car(model#2017005300)

定価 ¥1,200 JPY
販売価格 ¥1,200 JPY 定価

18650 battery box with 2pin connector for OSOYOO robot car (model: #2018001700)

定価 ¥900 JPY
販売価格 ¥900 JPY 定価

Battery charger for 18650 (model#2019006900)

定価 ¥1,800 JPY
販売価格 ¥1,800 JPY 定価
OSOYOO Mecanum Wheel Omnidirectional Movement Black X 4(#model 2020006000)

OSOYOO Mecanum Wheel Omnidirectional Movement Black X 4(#model 2020006000)

定価 ¥1,300 JPY
販売価格 ¥1,300 JPY 定価
OSOYOO Mecanum Wheel Omnidirectional Movement Black X 4 (#model 2020006000)

OSOYOO Mecanum Wheel Omnidirectional Movement Black X 4 (#model 2020006000)

定価 ¥1,200 JPY
販売価格 ¥1,200 JPY 定価
OSOYOO Main Board (fully compatible with Arduino Mega2560) for mecanum wheel robot car(model #2021006600#2020006000)
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